I am very sprry about the unannounced disaperanced I was in the hospital with a very very bad kidney infection AND a kidney stone but I am out AND have moved so no more issues with roommate takeing all the bandwith dureing NW Ldy says hello to everyone and she will be on sooner then I thought probly in a day or 2 there are a couple of comps here that can easly handle the game well I am going to go grind on something just to get over My Cabal withdrawls
I have returned once again I appologise I had some finianical issues and just got My net hooked up so Me and Ldy will be back on cabal I will be looking for someone to add Me back to the guild as it appears that I am not in the guild anymore lol but that is understandable due to My inactivity for so long I have missed playing with all of ya'll and can not wait to start having fun again