it took me most of saturday (03/08/2009) to make the background black, i'll probably take all of next weekend to extend the flames so it doesn't look like it's in a box.
as for the limewire, i haven't used that in... ummmm.... over a year, and that was for some music that i couldn't find, weird band that only has one cd. i don't actualy think limewire is that good. at best it's ok....
the one you should be worring about is Azureus cuz it'a a torrent client. again don't really use it. i think i got my Jeff Hun-HAM dvd from that, but i don't remember. where is that dvd? oh well.
nah it's a music editor and creator. it's really nice, but it's focused on "tecno" cuz all of the music files that come with it are beats and symbols and other wierd sounds, put them all together and you get techno. i don't use it alot, just when like a song is too quiet i can boost up the sound really easily with it. or if i want to mess with sounds that i rip off of shows. for example: my brother wants to cosplay as the 4 tail fox naruto (probably never going to happen) but i ripped off naruto Growling, made it loop for 2 hours and as loud as i could so if he ever did go as it, he could hook up some speakers in the ears and sound like he's growling/breathing hard. or whatever.
i've used it like 10 times, like 5 of them were with a friend making some songs, but i'm no good, mainly did it cuz he did it.